
pytplot.options(name, option=None, value=None, opt_dict=None)[source]

This function allows the user to set a large variety of options for individual plots.

  • name – str Name or number of the tplot variable
  • option – str The name of the option. See section below.
  • value – str/int/float/list The value of the option. See section below.
  • dict – dict This can be a dictionary of option:value pairs. Option and value will not be needed if this dictionary item is supplied.
Options Value type Notes
Color str/list red, green, blue, etc. Also takes in RGB tuples, i.e. (0,255,0) for green
Colormap str/list https://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html.
Spec int 1 sets the Tplot Variable to spectrogram mode, 0 reverts.
Alt int 1 sets the Tplot Variable to altitude plot mode, 0 reverts.
Map int 1 sets the Tplot Variable to latitude/longitude mode, 0 reverts.
link list Allows a user to reference one tplot variable to another.
ylog int 1 sets the y axis to log scale, 0 reverts.
zlog int 1 sets the z axis to log scale, 0 reverts (spectrograms only).
legend_names list A list of strings that will be used to identify the lines.
xlog_slice bool Sets x axis on slice plot to log scale if True.
ylog bool Set y axis on main plot window to log scale if True.
ylog_slice bool Sets y axis on slice plot to log scale if True.
zlog bool Sets z axis on main plot window to log scale if True.
line_style str scatter (to make scatter plots), or solid_line, dot, dash, dash_dot, dash_dot_dot_dot, long_dash.
char_size int Defines character size for plot labels, etc.
name str The title of the plot.
panel_size flt Number between (0,1], representing the percent size of the plot.
basemap str Full path and name of a background image for “Map” plots.
alpha flt Number between [0,1], gives the transparancy of the plot lines.
thick flt Sets plot line width.
yrange flt list Two numbers that give the y axis range of the plot.
zrange flt list Two numbers that give the z axis range of the plot.
xrange_slice flt list Two numbers that give the x axis range of spectrogram slicing plots.
yrange_slice flt list Two numbers that give the y axis range of spectrogram slicing plots.
ytitle str Title shown on the y axis.
ztitle str Title shown on the z axis. Spec plots only.
ysubtitle str Subtitle shown on the y axis.
zsubtitle str Subtitle shown on the z axis. Spec plots only.
plotter str Allows a user to implement their own plotting script in place of the ones herein.
crosshair_x str Title for x-axis crosshair.
crosshair_y str Title for y-axis crosshair.
crosshair_z str Title for z-axis crosshair.
static str Datetime string that gives desired time to plot y and z values from a spec plot.
static_tavg str Datetime string that gives desired time-averaged y and z values to plot from a spec plot.
t_average int Seconds around which the cursor is averaged when hovering over spectrogram plots.
‘spec_plot_dim’ int If variable two dimensions, this sets which dimension the variable will have on on the y axis. All other dimensions are summed into this one.


>>> # Change the y range of Variable1
>>> import pytplot
>>> x_data = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> y_data = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> pytplot.store_data("Variable1", data={'x':x_data, 'y':y_data})
>>> pytplot.options('Variable1', 'yrange', [2,4])
>>> # Change Variable1 to use a log scale
>>> pytplot.options('Variable1', 'ylog', 1)