Source code for pytplot.options

# Copyright 2018 Regents of the University of Colorado. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the MIT license.
# This software was developed at the University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics.
# Verify current version before use at:

from pytplot import data_quants
import pytplot
import numpy as np
from pytplot import tplot_utilities as utilities
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]def options(name, option=None, value=None, opt_dict=None): """ This function allows the user to set a large variety of options for individual plots. Parameters: name : str Name or number of the tplot variable option : str The name of the option. See section below. value : str/int/float/list The value of the option. See section below. dict : dict This can be a dictionary of option:value pairs. Option and value will not be needed if this dictionary item is supplied. Options: =================== ========== ===== Options Value type Notes =================== ========== ===== Color str/list red, green, blue, etc. Also takes in RGB tuples, i.e. (0,255,0) for green Colormap str/list Spec int 1 sets the Tplot Variable to spectrogram mode, 0 reverts. Alt int 1 sets the Tplot Variable to altitude plot mode, 0 reverts. Map int 1 sets the Tplot Variable to latitude/longitude mode, 0 reverts. link list Allows a user to reference one tplot variable to another. ylog int 1 sets the y axis to log scale, 0 reverts. zlog int 1 sets the z axis to log scale, 0 reverts (spectrograms only). legend_names list A list of strings that will be used to identify the lines. xlog_slice bool Sets x axis on slice plot to log scale if True. ylog bool Set y axis on main plot window to log scale if True. ylog_slice bool Sets y axis on slice plot to log scale if True. zlog bool Sets z axis on main plot window to log scale if True. line_style str scatter (to make scatter plots), or solid_line, dot, dash, dash_dot, dash_dot_dot_dot, long_dash. char_size int Defines character size for plot labels, etc. name str The title of the plot. panel_size flt Number between (0,1], representing the percent size of the plot. basemap str Full path and name of a background image for "Map" plots. alpha flt Number between [0,1], gives the transparancy of the plot lines. thick flt Sets plot line width. yrange flt list Two numbers that give the y axis range of the plot. zrange flt list Two numbers that give the z axis range of the plot. xrange_slice flt list Two numbers that give the x axis range of spectrogram slicing plots. yrange_slice flt list Two numbers that give the y axis range of spectrogram slicing plots. ytitle str Title shown on the y axis. ztitle str Title shown on the z axis. Spec plots only. ysubtitle str Subtitle shown on the y axis. zsubtitle str Subtitle shown on the z axis. Spec plots only. plotter str Allows a user to implement their own plotting script in place of the ones herein. crosshair_x str Title for x-axis crosshair. crosshair_y str Title for y-axis crosshair. crosshair_z str Title for z-axis crosshair. static str Datetime string that gives desired time to plot y and z values from a spec plot. static_tavg str Datetime string that gives desired time-averaged y and z values to plot from a spec plot. t_average int Seconds around which the cursor is averaged when hovering over spectrogram plots. 'spec_plot_dim' int If variable two dimensions, this sets which dimension the variable will have on on the y axis. All other dimensions are summed into this one. =================== ========== ===== Returns: None Examples: >>> # Change the y range of Variable1 >>> import pytplot >>> x_data = [1,2,3,4,5] >>> y_data = [1,2,3,4,5] >>> pytplot.store_data("Variable1", data={'x':x_data, 'y':y_data}) >>> pytplot.options('Variable1', 'yrange', [2,4]) >>> # Change Variable1 to use a log scale >>> pytplot.options('Variable1', 'ylog', 1) """ if isinstance(name, int): name = list(pytplot.data_quants.keys())[name] if opt_dict is None: opt_dict = {option: value} else: if not isinstance(opt_dict,dict): print("dict must be a dictionary object. Returning.") return if not isinstance(name, list): name = [name] for i in name: for option, value in opt_dict.items(): # Lower case option for consistency option = option.lower() if i not in data_quants.keys(): print(str(i) + " is currently not in pytplot.") return if option == 'color': if isinstance(value, list): data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['line_color'] = value else: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['line_color'] = [value] if option == 'link': if isinstance(value, list):, value[1], value[0]) if option == 'colormap': if isinstance(value, list): data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['colormap'] = value else: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['colormap'] = [value] if option == 'spec': _reset_plots(i) if value: if 'spec_bins' not in data_quants[i].coords: print(f"{i} does not contain coordinates for spectrogram plotting. Continuing...") else: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['spec'] = value data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['yaxis_opt']['y_range'] = utilities.get_y_range(data_quants[i]) else: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['spec'] = value data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['yaxis_opt']['y_range'] = utilities.get_y_range(data_quants[i]) if option == 'alt': _reset_plots(i) data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['alt'] = value if option == 'map': _reset_plots(i) data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['map'] = value if option == 'legend_names': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['yaxis_opt']['legend_names'] = value if option == 'xlog_slice': if value: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['slice_xaxis_opt']['xi_axis_type'] = 'log' else: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['slice_xaxis_opt']['xi_axis_type'] = 'linear' if option == 'ylog': negflag = 0 # _ylog_check(data_quants, value, i) if negflag == 0 and value: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['yaxis_opt']['y_axis_type'] = 'log' else: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['yaxis_opt']['y_axis_type'] = 'linear' if option == 'ylog_slice': if value: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['slice_yaxis_opt']['yi_axis_type'] = 'log' else: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['slice_yaxis_opt']['yi_axis_type'] = 'linear' if option == 'zlog': negflag = _zlog_check(data_quants, value, i) if negflag == 0: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['zaxis_opt']['z_axis_type'] = 'log' else: data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['zaxis_opt']['z_axis_type'] = 'linear' if option == 'nodata': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['line_opt']['visible'] = value if option == 'line_style': to_be = [] if value == 0 or value == 'solid_line': to_be = [] elif value == 1 or value == 'dot': to_be = [2, 4] elif value == 2 or value == 'dash': to_be = [6] elif value == 3 or value == 'dash_dot': to_be = [6, 4, 2, 4] elif value == 4 or value == 'dash_dot_dot_dot': to_be = [6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4] elif value == 5 or value == 'long_dash': to_be = [10] else: to_be=value data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['line_opt']['line_style'] = to_be if(value == 6 or value == 'none'): data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['line_opt']['visible'] = False if option == 'char_size': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['char_size'] = value if option == 'name': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['line_opt']['name'] = value if option == "panel_size": if value > 1 or value <= 0: print("Invalid value. Should be (0, 1]") return data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['panel_size'] = value if option == 'basemap': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['basemap'] = value if option == 'alpha': if value > 1 or value < 0: print("Invalid value. Should be [0, 1]") return data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['alpha'] = value if option == 'thick': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['line_opt']['line_width'] = value if option == 'yrange' or option == 'y_range': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['yaxis_opt']['y_range'] = [value[0], value[1]] if option == 'zrange' or option == 'z_range': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['zaxis_opt']['z_range'] = [value[0], value[1]] if option == 'xrange_slice': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['slice_xaxis_opt']['xi_range'] = [value[0], value[1]] if option == 'yrange_slice': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['slice_yaxis_opt']['yi_range'] = [value[0], value[1]] if option == 'xtitle': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['xaxis_opt']['axis_label'] = value if option == 'ytitle': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['yaxis_opt']['axis_label'] = value if option == 'ztitle': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['zaxis_opt']['axis_label'] = value if option == 'xsubtitle': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['xaxis_opt']['axis_subtitle'] = value if option == 'ysubtitle': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['yaxis_opt']['axis_subtitle'] = value if option == 'zsubtitle': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['zaxis_opt']['axis_subtitle'] = value if option == 'ybar': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['ybar'] = value if option == 'ybar_color': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['ybar'] = value if option == 'ybar_size': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['ysize'] = value if option == 'plotter': _reset_plots(i) data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['plotter'] = value if option == 'crosshair_x': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['xaxis_opt']['crosshair'] = value if option == 'crosshair_y': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['yaxis_opt']['crosshair'] = value if option == 'crosshair_z': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['zaxis_opt']['crosshair'] = value if option == 'static': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['static'] = value if option == 'static_tavg': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['static_tavg'] = [value[0], value[1]] if option == 't_average': data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['t_average'] = value if option == 'spec_plot_dim': attr_dict = deepcopy(data_quants[i].attrs) data_dict = {} data_dict['x'] = data_quants[i].coords['time'].values data_values = data_quants[i].values if len(data_values.shape) <= 2: pass else: data_dict['y'] = np.swapaxes(data_values, 2, value) for c in data_quants[i].coords: if c=='time' or c=='spec_bins': continue data_dict[c] = data_quants[i].coords[c].values v2_values = data_quants[i].coords["v2"].values data_dict['v2'] = data_dict['v'+str(value)] data_dict['v' + str(value)] = v2_values pytplot.store_data(i, data=data_dict) data_quants[i].attrs = attr_dict data_quants[i].attrs['plot_options']['yaxis_opt']['y_range'] = utilities.get_y_range(data_quants[i]) return
def _ylog_check(data_quants, value, i): negflag = 0 namedata = data_quants[i] # check variable data # if negative numbers, don't allow log setting datasets = [namedata] for oplot_name in namedata.attrs['plot_options']['overplots']: datasets.append(data_quants[oplot_name]) if value == 1: for dataset in datasets: if 'spec' not in dataset.attrs['plot_options']['extras']: if dataset.min(skipna=True) < 0: print('Negative data is incompatible with log plotting.') negflag = 1 break else: if dataset.attrs['plot_options']['extras']['spec'] == 1: if dataset.coords['spec_bins'].min(skipna=True) < 0: print('Negative data is incompatible with log plotting.') negflag = 1 break elif value != 1: # Using the 'negflag' as a way to not log something if the user doesn't want it to be logged negflag = 1 return negflag def _zlog_check(data_quants, value, i): negflag = 0 namedata = data_quants[i] # check variable data # if negative numbers, don't allow log setting datasets = [namedata] for oplot_name in namedata.attrs['plot_options']['overplots']: datasets.append(data_quants[oplot_name]) for dataset in datasets: if value == 1: if 'spec' in dataset.attrs['plot_options']['extras']: if dataset.attrs['plot_options']['extras']['spec'] == 1: if dataset.min(skipna=True) < 0: print('Negative data is incompatible with log plotting.') negflag = 1 break elif value != 1: # Using the 'negflag' as a way to not log something if the user doesn't want it to be logged negflag = 1 return negflag def _reset_plots(name): data_quants[name].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['spec'] = 0 data_quants[name].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['alt'] = 0 data_quants[name].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['map'] = 0 data_quants[name].attrs['plot_options']['extras']['plotter'] = None